Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Shopping Day

I drew this yesterday while the humans were away visitng Grandma Pat. Isn't it terrific?

Today those two went to the shopping centre and came home with a photo frame and some eye drops. That seemed kind of silly to me and so it harkens back to my drawing.

I would never bother with shopping centres. They are full of strange people and I can tell you right now that I do not like strange people. I usually have to retreat to the upstairs bedroom and sit under the bed whenever visitors come to the house. Occasionally I will come come downstairs and sit in the lounge with visitors but only after a very long time has passed and I'm sure that nothing untoward is going to happen.

A new development today... I saw the sun came out at about 2:30 this afternoon. I'm really looking forward to the sun coming out more often so that I can lay in sun spots on the carpet.


Daisy said...

Pearl, you are quite the artiste!

craziequeen said...

Hi Pearl, thanks for visiting our bloggie - we've added you to our linkies.......

Charlie hides upstairs when the front door is opened, or the bell is rung. But then he's a Grade A wuss!!

Pleased to meet you, Pearl


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Fank yoo furr visiting owr blog, we will put yoo on owr linkies list. Yoo are rite, Pumpy looks like a bit of bofe of us.

Lux said...


Your little drawing is precious! Mom & I both love it! I hope you find a *huge sun spot tomorrow to roll around in.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

In your drawing, you have captured cats and furless ones!

I wouldn't cross my paws too long for sun spots. We have a nice wood fire to cozy up to, which is almost as good, and it doesn't move around like the spots do.


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

What a very talented artist you are! And what perspective on life you have!
Listen, please ask the woman who takes care of you to visit my blog. I need her advice on something. Thanks and meow from here in Marrakesh.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Wow, yoo are such an amazing drawwer! Are yoo famous over thare in England?

Gud thinking to skip owt on the mall. The only gud thing abowt going is that fud cowrt, but if yer peeple feed yoo than yoo don't need to subject yerself to that.

What is this "sun" yer tawking abowt and can yoo send sum owr way!