Thursday, December 21, 2006

More on food

I'm getting worried. The humans keep talking about not letting me eat off their plates. Last night they had jacket potatoes with TUNA and Pumpy and I were only trying to have a nibble and they said "NO" to us and then they said, "Get down now... no no no... get down." So we sat in front of them and we bore holes into them with our lazer eyes but they still didn't let us lick their plates. And then the woman put a few bits of tuna on our plates in the kitchen but it wasn't very much. I was pretty hissed off but I didn't say anything.

This picture is of me when after I've had my stinky goodness. I know I look like I've got a weight problem but really I just have lovely curves to my figure. Don't you think?


Daisy said...

I wish I had some nice curves like you! My Mommie also says "no no" to me all the time. In fact, I think my name might be "Daisy-No-No!"

sammawow said...

Hi Pearl and Pumpy! We love tuna. I am always listening for the can opener noise because that almost always means tuna or beans which I also love to eat. China eats almost anything but I like tuna and beans best. Glad to meet you both,

China Cat & Willow

Spock said...

Hiya Pearl! It am furry nice to meetcha. COme on ofur anytime.

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

This blog is hillarious! I am feeling better already;-)

The Dog said...

My humans have been giving me lots of their food this week on account of their taking me to the vet a few days ago to have the itchy bump removed. I've got a bandage with little hearts on my paw and I just look pathetic and limp a bit and out come the treats! Food human and busy human even made special biscuits for me today with peanut butter, yum! Alpha human is not quite as easy to con, but if I let her poke at me for a bit there's always something good afterwards.

The NC Dog

Lux said...

All I see is a voluptuous feline who might starve if not allowed to eat off human plates!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

In the first place the camera adds 10 lbs!

Momma puts Precious in the bedroom sometimes, cuz she is such a pest at mealtime. I do the food stare real good too.
