Friday, April 4, 2008

The woman is sick.

She's taking the Lemsip/Night Nurse cocktail. (For my American friends that would be the Nyquil/Thera-flu cocktail).

I can't blog without her and her brain is fried from fever (she says).

More later.

love, Pearl


PB 'n J said...

We hope the woman feels better soon! That cocktail sounds effective though :-)

Daisy said...

Oh dear, I hope your mom feels better soon. Somehow "Lemsip/Night Nurse cocktail" sounds so much more exotic than the American name.

Anonymous said...

Hope she feels better soon give her lots of cuddles.

Lux said...

Get well, get well, Pearl's mom!

P.S. I really like your blog header!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

you must nurse her back to health

The Furry Kids said...

We hope she feels better soon. In the meantime, moms really like it when you help around the house when they're sick. Like stealing their crackers and drinking straws and sampling their tea and stuff.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope your mum soon feels better. You will have to do lots of cuddling.

Darla said...

Hope the woman at your house feels better soon. I'll bet she appreciates your attention and cuddles.


Boy said...

Sending purrs over for her to feel better soon!

the dragonfly said...

Aww..hope she's feeling better soon!

Mrs. G. said...

Get well soon, woman.

Karen Jensen said...

Do get well, Kim! And Pearl, you just sit on her chest--that always works for me.