The woman has been gone for a few days and Pumpy and I had to wait until 10 AM for our fudz because the man here doesn't "do" mornings. At first I didn't say anything but finally I just went right upstairs and howled at him until he got up. Pumpy wouldn't come with me so I had to do all the talkin'.
This is a picture of the dog and me in the window waiting for the woman to come home. I'm very patient at waiting but the dog is up and down and up and down... looking out the window... then the door... then the window... then she barks sometimes at absolutely nothing. I think my nerves are frazzled.
Poor kitty, having to wait so long for your food!
And when the dog is making you crazy, just take deep breaths... :)
No breakfast until 10:00 am?! It's a wonder you did not waste away to skin and bones!
Poor Pearl. I hope your owner who "does" mornings comes home soon.
Oh we could never wait for breakfast that long - you are a very patient Princess! We hope your woman is home soon!
I do not think I could last until 10 in the morning... you poor thing. and thedoggie, goodness just reading this frazzles my nerves
You two look like a team looking out that window for your mom. Your poor nerves, sorry you are frazzled.
The woofie does look a little frantic. I hope your mom comes home soon!!!
That is bad service! How can the man not get up to give you the foodies! Don't they know they are here to serve us kitties?
woofies are terrible energy wasters.
It is a terrible thing when a Princess has to wait for breakfast. You deserve a martini, or... er... some catnip.
The horror of this! Starving and having to wait with a bouncy dog...I don't know how you do it...
10am???? How have you survived. We would have collapsed with hunger by 7am.
Poor Pearl!
Sometimes you've just gotta take matters into your own paws.
Luf, Us
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