Monday, March 31, 2008

Quality Time

I watched TeeVee with the woman last night. Pumpy wasn't paying attention, as you can see.


Mrs. G. said...

Awww...double love!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a nice cuddly pikchur. Are you sure that's not Eric wiv you in the post befurr?

PB 'n J said...

Aww, Pumpy just needed some love!

Daisy said...

Pumpy was silly to turn his back to the TeeVee. He might have missed the exciting conclusion of the show!

The Furry Kids said...

You guys look all cute and snuggly!

Darla said...

Looks like it was a fun evening. So where was the (shhhhh...) D.O.G.?


Lux said...

What a sweet sweet picture! :)

Honey P. Sunshine said...

its a luf fest

Lilibet said...


You are feminine to a fault.

Just look at Pumpy, sprawled all over the place, legs akimbo. A lady cat would NEVER sit like that.

Pearl, you are feline femininity embodied!

Cricket of Cricket Crescent (for 30 days, until we move)

Lilibet said...

... and the woman's hair always looks so nice!

Christine and FAZ said...

That is such a lovely picture. FAZ

Parker said...

Nothing better than arms full of feline!