Monday, March 3, 2008

Here I am at the table again. I always try to join the peoples at the table but all I hear is, "Pearl, no... Pearl, no... Pearl, no"

Sometimes, however, my persistence is rewarded and on Saturday night I was given two dollops of smoked mackerel pate. Oh. My.

The man had to go away on a business trip and I'm pretty sure he'll be eating steak dinners or beef burgers every night because there's no red meat to be had in this house.

More to come...



Daisy said...

Pearl, you look ready to be served your dinner at the table, like a proper lady!

PB 'n J said...

Oh Pearl, you made Mommy go "Squeee!" she said if I were ever so cute as to sit at the table (instead of on the table) she'd give me special treats too!


Darla said...

Smoked Mackerel Pate? YUM! Of course a little steak and beef burger would go down well too.


Lux said...

Mackerel pate - lucky you! You look darling at that table ...

Tea said...

Aw Pearl....hope you get a bite of red meat sometime. But you`re not quite as naughty as my Isobel and Angus, who are caught ON the table far more than ever lately. Must be the being stuck indoors and sheer boredom from this awful winter. Another bad snow storm coming tonight with ice pellets added for spice at midnight.


Boy said...

Why don't beans understand that we've GOT TO share what they're eating too? How could they be so selfish to eat evewything themselves?

Motor Home Cats said...

Mom will usually share her dinner with us, if we ask. Sometimes we are very persistant and take what we want and mom still doesn't get very mad, she just tells us to wait until we are asked. We hope you get more people foods soon.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Parker said...

Man, that pate sounds deeeelish!