Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Morning Comics

Here's a funny cartoon that I found. I put it next to the dog's bowl so she would be sure to see it.

Last night I got cold downstairs and so I went to the bean's bed and found a nice place on the lady bean's pillow. I thought I was being very generous, giving both the beans half of the bed but apparently they took issue and tried to move me to the foot of the bed. You'll be glad to know that I held my ground. It's a shame about the shredded pillow case.

How are you today?
Love, Pearl.


Parker said...

Pearl, I'm gonna' show this cartoon to Diamond. It's so true!

Darla said...

If there was a dawg at my house I'd be so cranky. You are right, you are the Princess and don't let anyone forget it.


Daisy said...

Pearl, I am glad you kept your rightful spot on the bed!

Forty Paws said...

Yes, good idea to keep the head of the pillow and not the feet of the bed!

Luf, Us

Lux said...

Pearl, you're too funny! :)

I'm glad you stayed warm!

Karen Jensen said...

I don't think the beans understand about sharing.

Lilibet said...

Dear Pearl,

I have demonstrated what I have found to be the safest way to avoid bean-encroachment on our RIGHTFUL CLAIM TO BED PILLOWS. I use the single-paw reserve system, as seen here.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha,That is funny!
They tried to move you? How dare they!!!

Christine and FAZ said...

excellent work Pearl, you are a girl after my own heart. FAZ

PB 'n J said...

MOL - that's a great comic Pearl, and I think you let them off lightly with only a shredded pillow case!

Fat Eric said...

Heh heh. I have been getting cold lately too and climbing into bed with my humans to share body heat. My dad can't understand why I keep trying to lie on him - he's the warmest, he's like ThermoMan! You'd think they'd be grateful I'm keeping them warm with all my floof...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Our Chris Mouse card arrived today. Thank you, it's lovely.