Saturday, June 30, 2007

Photo Hunters - Sweet

The above photo was taken during the month of April when the sun was shinning and it was warm. Those two had this lovely chocolate tart and some strawberries while sitting on the patio. Ah... those were the days.

It rains every day in England now and there's a bite in the air. The sun umbrella hasn't even been opened this month.

Below is another photo of Pumpy and me cuddling as we do every day.


Lilibet said...

Dear Pumpy and Pearl,

Stay dry. My owners have been reading about the flooding slowly encroaching on their family's home in the north of england. So much rain!

Cricket doesn't want to leave Canada for England this month. Check back in three months! Then you'll be laughing as we begin shovelling snow.

It hasn't been a good week for England and I hope things turn around soon.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

that looks furry cozy

Daisy said...

I think the second photo of you and Pumpy cuddling is even sweeter than the first! Pearl, your eyes sure are pretty.

JT said...

Stay dry! Our Feeders will be heading over to England on Wednesday. They are dreading all the rain!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Wow! Two of our Moms' favorite things!
Strawberries and Kitty-Cats :)
Great photos for Sweet!!

~ Napoleon and Miss Emily

Fat Eric said...

Hi Pearl

I am hating the rain too. Last year at this time it was so hot and dry we had a hosepipe ban. This year it just won't stop raining! This is not normal for June/July, it must be global warming or something! We really need some sunshine.

snowforest said...

Lovely photos. So cozy and comfy :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You two are sweetie friends. Prinnie and I love cuddling too!

Forty Paws said...

What a great cuddle photo!

Yup, it keeps raining here too. Last year it was an extreme drought, this year the lakes are all closed because of high water. Go figure.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

the picture of the two of you is very very sweet. we're going to show the other picture to our Allergic Girl. she's going to go nuts. eating that would be heaven to her. we'd like to lick that cream though.