Another picture of my toes. But not my nose as I'm keeping it warm.
Ah, friends. It couldn't last. Our beautiful weather has left us and we are back to a cool gray sky.
However, the garden watch continues to hold my attention. Robins are feeding at the bird feeder and some very large pigeons sit on our fence and coo every morning and every evening.
Last night the woman went out into the garden to check on her plants and Pumpy and I both walked right out the door just like it was the most normal thing in the world (which it isn't for us). Pumpy immediately explored the tall trees and shrubs along the border and I sat on a little piece of the fence that was tucked away under a tree. It was all going nicely until the woman moved something on the patio and then we took off like a shot and ran back into the house. She thinks it's funny when we run scared like that but I find it really unsettling. We had to take a nap immediately to calm ourselves.
Oh, it is a whole pile of cute toesies!
Hmmm, makes me think that maybe I'm due for a pedicure. Or a nap.
Dear Pearl, it's Cricket of Cricket Crescent here.
Thank you so much for your earlier reply. I am happy to have met somebody who has flown across the pond as I am worried about the prospect of doing so myself. I am curious about many things, naturally, but am ESPECIALLY curious about where I am put on the plane. I imagine I will be stuck in some plastic box contraption, such as the ones they put me in to take me to the V.E.T. ?
I worry about being put in a travel crate for ten hours. What about the sandbox? Will the sandbox be INSIDE the travel crate? Is it a larger-than-usual travel crate? So many anxieties...
My last curiosity is whether or not I will need to be put in Kitty Guantanamo Bay when I arrive? If so, for how long? I have no communicable disease and have a clean bill of health after being forced to go to the V.E.T., but the entire prospect terrifies me.
I am looking forward to the possibility of moving as your year-round bird watching and garden walking opportunities intrigue me. I am tired of being so cold all the time.
Great toes! I'm sorry about the loud noise, I don't like those at all but at least you got some outside time.
Very cute toes pile. Caesar and I sleep like that... nap, I mean.
So sorry your weather is so dreary. Here is it warm but it is supposed to get rainy and dreary and stormy even!
Stay snuggled and happy
Very nice photo, Pearl! I like to watch the pigeons here in New York. You are very lucky to have a birdfeeder! I can only imagine the fun you have!
China Cat & I nap just like that!!! And I am so enjoying watching the birds outside of my Food Lady's office window. Today there was a bright red cardinal!
I hope the weather there turns warm and sunny and bright for you!
Loverly toes Pearl!
That's funny that Pumpy pulled the discarded Sainsbury pie from the garbage. G.T. would do that sort of thing.
So glad you made it to our party!!!
Luf, Us
Adorable toes!!! And it is vital to keep ones nose warm so it looks like you are doing a good job.
Outside can be fun, but it does have it's scary moments!! We don't blame you at all for making a run for the house. Your Mum should be ashamed of herself for laughing. We cats have pride, you know.
Very pretty toz -- an Beautimus cats - both you Princess Pearl, and your friend and house-mate, Pumpy!
Owr meowmy sez yu look furry sweet curled togefer nappin.
yur littel pal,
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