Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dipping in

Here it appears that I'm practicing a swan dive but that's not really the case. I am preparing for the yoga position, karnapidasana. Afterwards I'll meditate for many hours.

Pumpy is still very fat, in case you are wondering about him. He would eat 20 times a day if allowed but that's now allowed in our house.


Anonymous said...

Hi there, Pearl! Yes, that might look like a dive to the Two Legs, but we cats can see at once that it's yogic.
Very good for the spine.
Gotta go...we're patrolling the back fence line before the dog wakes up...

Katnip Lounge said...

Meditation is SUCH a good stress reliever and you are obviously a highly stressed Feline, with Pumpy and the Dog and all.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like you are a yoga expert. Maybe you should give classes.

The Island Cats said...

You really know your yoga!!