Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Long time no...

...writing on the blog.

Hello. How are you?

I'm sorry I've been silent lately. I have no good reason other than, perhaps, overwhelmed with life.

Two items of note that are very upsetting: The woman got a new vacuum cleaner and it's an upright... very noisy. Very big. She LOVES it. She says it sucks up dirt and hair like nothing she's ever seen. Woo Hoo for her.

Secondly... the man's eyes have begun to swell up at night and so no more sleeping in the bedroom for Pumpy and me. We've been shut out and I'm not very happy about it. We have to sleep downstairs with that D-O-G.

How are things with you?


Daisy said...

Pearl, I am glad to see you back. I missed you!

LZ said...

I'm with Daisy! Sorry about not sleeping with the humans, that's been happening to us when we're bad. And the vacuum sounds horrible.


The Meezers or Billy said...

welcome back Pearl. Perhaps your man needs his own cat-free room so that your beauty sleep is not disturbed.

The Furry Fighter said...

hello! ise missed you - i hope you are well and that your man;s eyes recover soon so that you can go back to the room in which you belong! xxx

dinahmow said...

Nice to see you back.I don't think my people could shut me out.I sleep ANYWHERE I choose.That was the first thing Josh taught me when I came to live here.As for those brutish cleaners...if I work out how to kill them I'll let you know!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

WE have missed you PrincessPearl.
We hope you and Pumpy are doing well.
You are loved by us!!

Lux said...

Glad to see you, Pearl - love you peeking out of the curtains ...

Silky can't sleep in the bedroom either, for the same reason. Which means I have to sleep with her. DadBean's allergic to just Silky!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

with the d-o-g.....oh my cat!

Parker said...

Man, two bad things all at once! A sucky machine and no more sleeping on the bed. Ugh, the horror!

Darla said...

You look pretty cute peeking out behind that curtain Pearl.

I say if you can't sleep on the bed they they owe you a Very Fancy bed of you own. An Expensive Bed. The word expensive frightens the 2legged's out of their wits. So demand it!

Eclipse the Cat

The Crew said...

Oh Pearl, no! I couldn't believe my eyes when I read you have to sleep with a DAWG!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Pearl,

Nice to see your back. I hate mom's vacuum cleaner too the noise scares me so much I hide.

Forty Paws said...

We've missed you!!! We're so sorry to hear that you have been locked out of the bedroom. We would have a revolt here if that happened to us!

Luf, Us

Lilibet said...

Oh Pearl! You were persona-no-catta for a while there and I worried that you had stopped blogging! Glad you are back and as delicate and timid-looking as ever in your photos.

- cricket of cricket crescent