My friends, today, for the first time in my life, I have had temptations. Oh I've heard plenty about them but a certain someone never brought them home - until today. And now I know, on a very profound level, why everyone writes so enthusiastically about them. They're just down right addictive. Pumpy and I were asleep and the aroma of the package roused us immeditately. As the package was opened we sprang up and devoured them. Then Pumpy and I had a fight. Is fighting normal after a temptation snack?
One more thing... very odd indeed. The woman brought home a PINK dog collar and some dog treats.
sound like some sort of bribe to me, uh oh
Hooray, hooray, hooray! You got to taste the very wonderful Temptations. Very delicious, right?
Do you think you are getting a D-O-G? I am a little bit worried about this.
We think you're getting a new sister!!! Don't worry, woofies are fun!
Uh-oh....I smell WOOFIE! I think the Temptations may be a distraction. But yes, its normal to beg/steal/borrow or whatever to get Temptations. Oh, and the different kinds taste different. I love Diary.
That is very very very bad news. Be very wary of who or what comes in your front door. I concur that it appears you be getting a WOOFIE. Glad you got to try the Temptations.
Hmmm, yes this does sound suspicious. Are they trying to buy you off with Temptations so you'll allow a dog to be brought into your house? Be very careful Pearl!
Sometimes Max and I get territorial about our treats. He devours his and then comes over and tries to take MINE!
Look forward to seeing who the pink dog collar and treats is for Kim :)
I wonder what Pearl and Pumpy are going to think of all this! Should make for some interesting posts LOL
i always fight after a snack. they make me strong, like Popeye!!
My co-worker Hank says dogs can be made to do your bidding, so if you're getting a dog, that may be OK.
Well I was reading your blog thinking about lovely temptations when I saw the word Dog - eeek. Let us know what happens. FAZ
Glad you enjoyed the Temptations - you know I've never had any either?
Hmmm sounds like your being bribe to me .Yet some woofie's are very nice.
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