Thursday, July 12, 2007

Very Artly


This is a painting that was done by our uncle. You can plainly see that he's captured me quite well but he DID use some creative license with Pumpy. *whispers* Pumpy has a weight problem.

I hope you enjoy this lovely painting. We feel that had Van Gogh painted kitty cats, he surely would have done something akin to this one!


Daisy said...

That is a beautiful painting. Your uncle is very very talented.

Lilibet said...

sad commentary from a cat lady, here...

I would buy a portrait of Pearl painted by Uncle. It is fabulous! Paypal, anybody? Perhaps this could be Pearl's portal into fame and fortune?

Very, VERY cool painting. Very Van Gogh. Perhaps Pearl and Sunflowers? Or Pearl on a Starry Night?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a lovely painting. Yer uncle is furry clefurr.
Mebbe Eric should ask him to do his pawtrait cuz it's the only way he's going to lose weight.

Forty Paws said...

Your uncle is very talented! We think it is lovely! You are so lucky!

No, it hasn't stopped raining here. Well, today the sun shone all day. But we are expecting 3-4" of rain the next 2 days. Go figure. Drought for 2 years, monsoon this year....

Luf, Us

Christine and FAZ said...

This is really beautiful just like you and Pumpy. FAZ

Parker said...

That is a beautiful painting - you are lucky to have a talented uncle!

Darla said...

I like it, I like it! Kind of looks like Pumpy is bowing down to the Princess... hmmmm.

Are you going to hang it in a place of honor?


Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a very good painting. wE really like it!

LZ said...

That is SO beautiful! I really wish someone would paint me like that because my tail really is very long like that. Your uncle is very talented.


The Crew said...

Pumpy probably looks big 'cause he's doing a stretch!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

oh yes, we like it alot!

Fat Eric said...

That is a great painting of you and Pumpy. Your uncle is furry talented. I wonder if he painted me, would I lose weight too???

Lux said...

I like that painting a LOT!

JT said...

That is a fantastic painting! Your uncle is very talented.

The Feeders just got back from England... they said the weather was fantastic!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

WOWOWOWEEE, that is one grate painting! Yer uncul is a fab artista! We won't let him knoo abowt his little discrepuncie with Pumpy.

Anil P said...

That determined curve of the tail is full of intent.