Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Toesday Blogging

Ewww. Pumpy's' toes are dirty! You would never see MY toes dirty, I can assure you.

This is a picture of Pumy and me in the window where we participate in the neighborhood watch. We also wait for the woman to come home each day and we pretty much know exactly what time she is supposed to arrive so we sit in the window and make sure that her car rolls into the drive in a timely manner.

Happy Toesday everyone.


au poussin bleu said...

you look so pretty both of you and very majestic too. Lulu love the windows too her favourite time , she is on my bedroom window as we speak!

Christine and FAZ said...

Hi Pearl and Pumy - have you seen anything interesting in your neighbourhood watch pursuits? Any naughty cat burglars? FAZ

Fancidots said...

Hi Pearl,
We saw you're disappointed that Zenith is "taken" -- but Hatter whispered to his meowmy and told her HE isn't taken, if you might be interested in a fellow to be your Valentine.
You would make a fine pair in all your lovely whiteness and your hats and tails and pretty little dark pawpads.

Darla said...

The two of you look quite stylish posed in that window.

Those curtains aren't bad either:-)

Eclipse and the handmaiden

Daisy said...

Pumpy's dirty toes! hahahahaha! Hey, I have a little bald spot on my heels too, just like Pumpy!

LZ said...

I HATE when the people don't come home at the exact time they're supposed to. They may call me lazy but I'm the only one who meets them at the door everyday so I don't think that's lazy.

Nice toes Pumpy!


Fat Eric said...

Oh Pearl! I just saw the Valentine you posted for me on Skeezix's Valentine page. I am overcome by your artistic talent and don't know what to say, except...will you be my date to Beau Beau & Angie's Valentine's party? Purrty please?

Yours blushingly
Fat Eric

Anonymous said...

Neighborhood Watch is a very important job. Looks like the neighborhood is in very capable paws.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi Eric --

Of course I'll go to the Valentine's party with you!! I've never gone to a party before. What do I have to do to attend?

Shaggy and Scout said...

Good thing your human has you 2 to look after her. without us, they'd never get anything right.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Happy Toesday!
I like the picture of the back paw in the air! cute!

Lux said...

Sounds like you are both keeping things in order there in your home. Keep up the good work!